No care cap coming any time soon - protect your home NOW!

With the latest Autumn statement completely cancelling the care cap that was supposed to be coming into effect in 2023 – what does this now mean?

Well in 2 words, it sadly means – NO CHANGE!

Anyone with assets over £23,250 will, if they need care in the future, be forced to pay for all of their care costs and with care running at an average of £1500 a week, a modest stay in care of just 18 months would mean a whopping bill of £117,000, and fees are not coming down, so this figure could well be much higher than this in the future.

This means that for anyone who owns a property, the likelihood of needing to sell that property if care is needed in the future has not gone away – and in fact, as the country falls deeper into debt and recession, the likelihood of homes needing to be sold in future to fund future care has actually increased.

It is clear therefore that we must now do everything that we can to ringfence our assets and keep them safe for our children.

Call us today and find out if and how you can legally protect your property with a Trust to ensure that your most valuable asset, you worked hard and saved for all through your life, is handed down intact to the ones you wish to receive it when the time comes.

For your protection and peace of mind we will always advise you in full compliance with the rules on deliberate deprivation of assets so that any protection you put in place is 100% legal and fit for purpose.

Call FREE now on

0800 668 11 64

or fill in our contact form below


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