While you are with your family over the festive period

There are 5 things you should get around to discussing:

  1. Where your Will can be found and  if it needs to be brought up to date;

  2. Who will act as your Power of Attorney for finances and health if you are unable to speak/act for yourself;

  3. If you need to consider protecting your property so it cannot be forced to be sold to fund your care in the future should such care be required, reducing your children’s inheritance;

  4. How your online accounts can be accessed after your death including securely storing passwords etc;

  5. Where all of your assets are located including pensions and investments so that nothing is forgotten or unknown about after your death and subsequently left unclaimed.

While these matters may seem difficult to discuss, they are very important and in so doing will prevent the loved ones that you leave behind being put under undue stress and extra pressure at a time when they may already be struggling emotionally.

We are always available to assist, guide and provide recommendations if needed.

We can be called FREE in the UK on 0800 668 11 64 or you can request a call by going to our contact page at www.thywill.co.uk 

Clients in Span can call us on 865 756 058 or go to our contact page in Spain at www.thywill.es

All the staff at Thy Will Be Done wish you all a very peaceful and healthy New Year.




Brighton residents - most spare monthly income!?!