Do you want to prevent your home being used to pay for your care if you need it in Spain AND be able to give your children the inheritance you planned?


OK – the good news is if you live in Spain right now you are most likely to live well into your 80s or 90s – Yes!

Bad news – the longer you live the more likelihood you will be part of the 1:3 that will develop dementia.

If you suffer with dementia or Alzheimer’s you are very likely to eventually need to go into care.

If you go into care your health insurance will not in most cases cover the fees….which means YOU will have to.

If you don’t have sufficient cash or income to cover the fees, which are on average 2000 Euros a month, then your property will need to be sold to cover the shortfall. The Span­ish state will in­sist on this.

This is a subject Thy Will Be Done are specialists on in the UK and we are champions of Trust strategies to avoid this happening….but what can you do if you live in Spain?


It’s similar to but definitely not the same as EQUITY RELEASE.

Unlike the UK, In Spain you can simply sell to a family member or friend if you want to.

You are then free to gift your money to whomever you wish, even back to the person that bought your property so you can see them en­joy it, while giv­ing your­self a guar­an­tee that you will re­main in your home un­til such time as you no longer can and at that point the home belongs to whomever bought it – thus avoiding it’s sale to pay for care, so long as the arrangement was made before you knew going into care was a possibility.

So how does it work?

You sell your Spanish home to an investor who will either be a family member, or a complete stranger. A child may do it to help out a parent while ensuring that they eventually inherit the property for example while an investor will simply look at the ultimate profit on the deal.

A lot of the time the investor will pay the complete amount on signing of the deeds but a draw down option is available. 

This is the perfect way for you as owners to receive an immediate lump sum rather than living in a property that you can’t cash in at any time and still live in the very same home for the remainder of your lives.

Investors gain a property for up to a 50% reduction while the original owner can use the money received and gift it to an heir to pay for a wedding /college education etc. 

The original owner has no hassle, keeps living in the property, enjoying their social life locally with their friends while at the same time helping their family while they themselves are still around to see the benefits of this. There is a legal way to ensure that everyone is protected and to work out terms and legal implications in advance. 

All arrangements can be made in a tax efficient manner. 

If you are interested in finding out about how you can now continue to live in Spain while guaranteeing any care you may need in the future won’t be paid for from the sale of your home and at the expense of your children’s inheritance….

Then you need to come and speak with Paul Blackmoore at Thy Will Be Done (Spain) Ltd

Call from Spain now on 965 023 596


FREE IN THE UK ON 0800 668 11 64


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