This week 28th March to the 1st of April is UPDATE YOUR WILL Week

Half of people with a Will have not updated it within the last 5 years

With many not having even looked at it for over a decade

66% of people did not realise that a couple living together without marriage or civil partnership won’t inherit each other’s assets without an up-to-date  Will in place.

The same percentage did not realise that their spouse or civil partner would not automatically inherit their full estate without an up-to-date Will in place.

These issues cause severe implications for loved ones after death – including missed inheritances and higher inheritance tax fees. 

Other misconceptions regarding Wills include:

  • Only 84% of people did not know that remarrying invalidates a Will

  • 66% of people did not realise stepchildren would not be included in a Will unless specifically mentioned.

  • 17% of people thought a Will could be updated by making changes to the original document and initialing them.

Thy Will Be Done will automatically contact you every 5 years to review your Will

For more information on getting a Will:


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